Thursday, October 18, 2012

When we set up our microaquriums, I used the bottom sufface of the french broad river.  After that I placed both plants A, Amblestegium sp. Moss, and plant B,Utricularia gibba.  After the set up we placed the aqurium under the microscope in search for organisms.  I am not sure of what the organisms I found are, but I do know that they are mainly located at the bottom and middle of the aqurium.  They are also free moving and feeding off of the plants that I placed into the microaqurium.  The movements of these organisms are spinning in a circular motion.  Next week I will observe the organisms to see if they have grown and see if they are still the same.

Botany 111 [Internet]. University of Tennessee Biology Department;
c2010 [citied 2012 October 24]. Available from:

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