Monday, November 19, 2012

In this weeks final observation, I seen two organisms that I have not seen.  The first of these two organism is a Euchlanis, which is an ordinary rotifer that moves all throughout the aquarium.   There was not a particular area that the Euchlanis was found in they were everywhere.  I also noticed that they were feeding off of smaller substances.  The second organism was a Nematoda.  I was not sure of which specie name it fell under so we decided to lable it with its genus name.  From what I could see there were very slim amount of nematods in my aquarium.  The only information I have on these oraganism is that they opperate as like wise of a typical worm.


Pennak 1989. Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United  States: Protozoa to Mollusca
John Wiley & Sons,INC. 3rd. Figures2

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