Monday, November 5, 2012

In this weeks observation, I have seen a rapid rate of growth of all my organism inside.  However, all of the organism seem to be seperated into different sections of my microaquarium.  It is stunning to see how by the addition of the beta fish pellet, BFFP,  has increased the size of the organisms.  The correlation to the pellet and the organisms could be that it is supplying the microaquarium with vast nutrition and the organisms should continue to grow in size if my hypothesis is correct, considering there is still a vast amount of the pellet left (McFarland 2012).  I was unable to take pictures in this weeks observation, so hopefully next week I will be able to have many pictures of how the organsims have evolved into what they are now.


Botany 111 Fall 2012 (Blog). Beta Fish Food Pellet added to each Micro Aquarium. Available from: 

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